Daily Activity_4 (English Version)

Assalamualaikum Warohmatullahi Wabarokatuh

Halo guys welcome back to my new blog:), today 31th January 2019. Today we oneline of front in the kitchen at 08.00 oclock, and oncharge by semester A four.

At the time we were in the absence and checked tools ang grooming. After that, we join in the kitchen and oneline in pastry. After that, we introduction with semester A four. Mr. Ical come to pastry to explain how to make a chouz and eclair.

After that, we make a choux and eclair. and Mr. Ical gave us time to break for one hour. We general cleaning at 15.00 oclock and finish at 17.00 oclock. 17.00 we going to home.


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