Daily Activity_5 (English Version)

Assalamualaikum Warohmatullahi Wabarokatuh

Today February 11, 2019, for this practice we were told to come earlier than the previous practice day. Dormitory children are told to come at 6:00 a.m. while children who live near the campus area are told to come at 16.01 while the children who live far from the campus are told to come at 07.00 This morning around 05.00 the rain fell greeting.

 The sky was so dark and the air this morning felt so cold it made us want to go back to bed. But the rain stopped before I left for campus. At 6:00 I left for campus and arrived at 6:30. Today we are oneline in front of the kitchen at 7:00 a.m. along with my sister who is inching today. While in attendance we checked out the grooming equipment and tools.

After that we go into the kitchen and oneline in the pastry. After we entered in the pastry and oneline we made an introduction to the 4A semester brother who inched today. Shortly thereafter we were given material about continental breakfast and english breakfast. Soon we were divided into 10 groups. Groups 1 to 5 prepare to make English breakfast tomorrow and groups 6-10 make continental breakfast today.

After being divided into groups of 6-10 they went out to play the kitchen for doing breakfast. And the 1-5 prepare group is in the pastry. I happen to be in group 4 where I get the english breakfast section. After preparare I immediately went out to help friends who were working to make a continental breakfast menu.

After we finished we immediately carried out general cleaning and returned to their homes after the Maghrib prayer. Okay, those friends were my daily life in the kitchen and hopefully entertained reading it. Thank u;)


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