Daily Activity_8 (English Version)

Assalamualaikum Warohmatullahi Wabarokatuh

Hello friends today Thursday, February 14, 2019. Today I left for campus while the air still feels so cool and refreshing the sky still looks so dark and the sun has not revealed its rays and the streets still look so quiet and only seen a man or women are exercising along the way.

When I arrived in the kitchen I immediately approached my soft roll and hard roll which was still wrapped in plastic wrap in the pastry. I immediately arranged it in the sitpan to be heated in the oven. I worked on slice fruit and my other group friends were working coffee and tea. While my other friends are working on preparing the breakfast menu according to their part. Alhamdulillah, because of the help from kak Jaka Agung and Sis ica Buffet Breakfast we were ready at 09.00am.

After that, we eat first before immediately doing general cleaning until after the midday prayer. Around 3:00 p.m., we distributed the section to the nation's children tomorrow. But before that we pray ashar first, after prayer we also go straight into the pastry and make it. Some are in charge of preparing vegetables for bakwan, making tomato sauce, making bread butter pudding, fruit ice, satay and potato cakes. I was tasked with making bread butter pudding which was helped by kak Agung.

This afternoon was a very pleasant and joyful afternoon, filled with various kinds of laughter caused by humor that my friends did when we were making food for the nation's children in the pastry. After that we also go back to their homes after Maghrib prayer together.

Okay, those friends are the everyday things that I spend in today's kitchen, hopefully you will read it. Thank you;)


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