Daily Activity_3 (English Version)

Assalamu'alaykum Warohmatullahi Wabarokatuh

Halo guys welcome back to my blog:) Today January 30th 2019. Today I go to campus early because yesterday my puff pastry  failed so I had to go to campus early to make a puff pastry.

I arrived at the kitchen at 06:00 o'clock to make a puff pastry in pastry. Today we onelineat 08:00 o'clock in pastry and incharge by semester A four.  At the time we were in the absence and checked tools and grooming. After that we introduction with semester A four.

 Mr.Ical come to pastry to explain how to make sugar dough and pie dough, after that we make a pie dough and sugar dough. We general cleaning start at 16:00 o'clock and back to home at 18:10 o'clock.


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