Daily Activity_15 (Indonesian Version)

Assalamualaikum Warohmatullahi Wabarokatuh

Haaaallloooo guys kembali lagi dengan blog ku :)

Hari ini Selasa, 26 Maret 2019 hari kedua di minngu praktek kami. Seperti halnya kemarin saya ke kampus disaat jalanan belum menampakkan kepadatan dan sampai di kampus sebelum jam 07.00am. Sesampainya saya di kitchen, saya langsung menghampiri Tang Yuan saya yang berada di pastry dan mengeluarkannya dari chiller.

Hari ini kami langsung memprepare 2 menu rotasi yaitu menu rotasi 2.2 dan 2.3. Kelompok kami terbagi menjadi 2 ada yang memprepare sosok utan dan ada yang memprepare thai beef salad. Aldi, iqbal,ari dan ippang memprepare thai beef salad dan saya, ernika,komang dan cia memprepare sosok utan. Setelah itu kami cewek2 langsung ke chiller dan freezer belakang mengambil bahan untuk sosok utan.

Saya menthowing chicken breast, lalu menyiapkan chicken stock, memisahkan daun spinach dari batangnya, memotong pumpkin dan membuat spice paste. Setelah chicken breastnya telah terthowing saya langsung brine chicken breastnya selama 5 jam.

Recipe " Sosok Utan "

Quantity - Ingredients:

500 gr - chicken breast
3 L - Chicken Stock
4 tbsp - Oil
2 stalks - lemongrass, bruised
3 - Kaffir lime leaves, torn
3gr - Pumpkin, cut into 3/4 cm cubes
200 gr - sweet corn kernels, blanched
100 gr - spinach, cleaned
4 tbsp - lemon basil
To taste - Salt
To taste - Ground white pepper

Spice Paste:
3 tbsp - vegetable oil
50 gr - garlic, peeled and sliced
1/2 tsp - dried prawn paste, roasted
1/4 tsp - crushed white pepper
5-7 - birds eye chillies, finely sliced


1. Brine chicken pieces for 5 hours.
2. To make the spice paste, combine all ingredientsin a stone mortar or food processor and grindinto a very fine taste.
3. Transfer the spice paste into a soup pot. Add the 3 tbsp stock and saute over medium heat until fragrant. Cool. Take one-third of the spice blend and evenly marinate all chicken pieces.
4. In a non-stick pan, heat 4 tbsp oil and quickly stear chicken piece until they are lighly golden on both sides. This will let a
lot of delicious chicken flavour to the dish. Cool the chicken to room temperature and vacuum seal in heat-resistant plastic bags. Vacuum cook chicken at 65 derajat celcius for 5 minutes. Reserve liquid in the bag for the soup.
5. In soup pot, heat remaining two-third of spice blend, add lemongrass and kaffir lime leaves and saute until fragrant. Add pumpkin continue to saute until pumpkins are evenly coated.
6. Fill soup pot with remaining chicken stock and bring to a boil. Simmer until the pumpkin is three-quarters soft. Add sweet corn and continue to simmer until the pumpkin is almost soft. Add spinach and bring back to simmer.
7. Place the chicken pieces back in the broth, bring back to a simmer and season to taste with sliced lemon basil, salt and white pepper.

Lalu kami langsung meplating Tang Yuan dan Tang Zhong. Setelah 5 jam chicken breastnya saya potong cube lalu memmarinatenya dan di wrap lalu disimpan di chiller. Setelah semunya selesai kamipun makan lalu general cleaning dan pulang ke rumah masing-masing.

Sekain dulu aktivitas saya hari ini, sampai jumpa di blog saya esok hari :)

Wassalamualaikum Warohmatullahi Wabarokatuh


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