Daily Activity_9 (English Version)

Assalamualaikum Warohmatullahi Wabarokatuh

Hello friends, today is Monday, February 25, 2019. At 4:30 a.m. I wake up, and leave for the kitchen at 6:00 a.m. where the air is still so cool the streets are not so crowded and the sky still looks dark. I arrived at the kitchen at 6:30 a.m. When I arrived, the kitchen was still quiet and only a few friends were seen. Shortly after, at 7:00 a.m., my friends started arriving. After we have finished, we also oneline in front of the kitchen with senior who incharge today.

After the oneline we also go into the locker and go directly to the kitchen for oneline, we are oneline while waiting for Mr. Ical to come. Shortly after, Mr. Ical arrived. After that, Mr.Ical explained a little about 1.1 rotation, after which we divided the groups and assignments for each group. There is also a duty to make breakfast menus to be taken to the rectorat

My group got the task appetizer, making hawaian chicken salad. Then after that my friend and my group immediately prepared to make hawaian chicken salad.

Recipe "Chicken Salad Hawaian"

Quantity - Ingredients

538 gr - Meat Chicken
340 gr - Pineapple can
226 gr - Cream Cheese
10 gr - Stalk Celery
40 gr - Onion
As needed - salt
As needed - Pepper
1 loaf - French bread
As needed - Pecans (chopped)


1. Drain meat well and blot on papper towels to dry meat and drain pineapple well.
2. Bring cream cheese to room temperature to soften and chop celery and onion, med to fine.
3. mex meat, pineapple, celery, onion and cream cheese in large bowl, mix well with fork. Season to taste with salt and pepper. cover and chill several hours or overnite is better.
4. To serve cut the center out of the bread and stuff with salad. Chop the center bread that was removed into cubes.
5. Garnish with cococnut or peans. Serve on party crackers and bread cubes.

The first thing I did was to take all the ingredients in the rear cheeler, like onion, celery and pineapple. After that I cut pineapple in the cold kitchen and then went to the kitchen to cut all the ingredients like onion and celery. Then I fry the peanut for a garnish. After all the materials have been prepared, I store it in the cheeler.

After everything has been prepared, we have cleaned up the tools that we have used and then we do general cleaning so that our kitchen is kept clean.

Okay this is my daily routine in my lovely kitchen
Assalamualaikum Warohmatullahi Wabarokatuh.


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